all postcodes in L30 / BOOTLE

find any address or company within the L30 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L30 4AA 1 53.471869 -2.973876
L30 4GB 1 53.472069 -2.97358
L30 4RN 1 53.473415 -2.968352
L30 4UA 16 53.470626 -2.965079
L30 4UE 4 53.472434 -2.967229
L30 4UG 5 53.472259 -2.965507
L30 4UJ 1 53.470665 -2.96496
L30 4UT 1 53.469971 -2.966043
L30 4WY 1 53.469219 -2.969084
L30 4XL 15 53.474122 -2.969603
L30 4WS 1 53.469219 -2.969084
L30 4XS 1 53.470263 -2.974668
L30 4YD 1 53.47285 -2.965989
L30 4XR 3 53.469942 -2.970728
L30 4XE 0 53.472355 -2.968298
L30 4WQ 1 53.469219 -2.969084
L30 4TH 1 53.477832 -2.972431
L30 4XN 1 1 53.473729 -2.975967
L30 4AB 6 53.47846 -2.973696
L30 4WN 1 53.469219 -2.969084